How Do I Become A Foster Parent?

The First Step…

The first step is small but sets you off on the journey to becoming a foster parent. Pick up the phone and give us a call for an informal and friendly chat or pop into the office, we have an open-door policy, and the kettle is always on.

We can gather some initial details from you, get an overview of your situation and answer any questions you may have.

We can then explain more about the process and tell you what being a foster parent is all about and what to expect; we are here to guide you every step of the way and fully support you along your journey.

The Process…

Are you ready to start your journey? Do you want to know what happens next and what to expect?

Home Visit…

Once we have had our initial conversation and you are happy that you wish to proceed, we can arrange to visit you at your home to meet you and your family.

It’s very important we get to know you and what you are looking for from this wonderful opportunity. There will be a number of visits and conversations from your supervising social worker to collate information about you and your life experiences.

They will want to speak about your health, family, work history and check your home is safe. Do you have pets, do you smoke? These do not prevent you from fostering but need to be taken into consideration.

Application and Assessment…

Once all the required paperwork and checks are completed, your supervising social worker will complete an assessment of your information. This will then be presented to a panel who will review your application and make recommendations to the Decision Maker. The DM will then decide if more information is needed or if they will approve your application based on the recommendations from the panel.

The process can take from 2 to 4 months.