A Year of Being Registered

Phoenix55 Fostering Service have been registered for a year

It has been a whole year since Phoenix55 Fostering Service was registered with Care Inspectorate Wales!

Within this last year we have met some fantastic people, visited some amazing places across Wales and England, and most importantly really worked together as a team to reach and achieve our goals.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped get our names out there by liking, commenting and sharing our posts, we really do appreciate it and we look forward to many more years of celebrating this special day.

Aaaaand a message from Donna and Terri.....

Starting Phoenix55 was born out of frustration at a system that didn't really understand foster parents and what they needed. Fostering has been a part of our life's for almost 2 decades and we believed we could create a service that understood and supported the needs of foster parents thus ensuring they were equipped to carry out their role with the upmost professionalism and integrity.

We are blessed to have a great team that has been with us from the beginning of Phoenix55. Our team of foster parents remind us every day why we started the service, through the commitment and passion they have. We are privileged that they chose to come to PHX55.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us this past year xx


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